480 800

size = greater than 801 less than or equal to 800 less than or equal to 480


Web Builder

Working on the web since 1994, and print since the time when font-size was measured in points and picas, Paul's clients over the years have included Accenture, Booz & Co., Rand McNally, RR Donnelley, and Sara Lee, troubleshooting and ghost-building hundreds of sites and online solutions over the years. Specializing in CSS, Paul now spends a lot of time making sure existing sites work better on mobile than the rest of them. He has little time to do anything with this site.

Paul is also a web development instructor at Digital Bootcamp, and Ascend Training where he has provided corporate training for just about every large ad agency in Chicago.

He almost never speaks in the third person and almost never justifies type.

Download his resume

Contact him if you need something built.